Help your clients reach their goals with HealthMetric…
Set Goals Remotely
Track Progress
Drive Revenue
Works seamlessly with Apple HealthKit and Google Fit
Set and Reach Personalized Goals
Everyone is unique, and so are their personal health goals. We meticulously crafted HealthMetric for different people on different paths to become healthier versions of themselves. Create personalized goals, track progress toward those goals to be a better, stronger, healthier, you.
Progress Shared
Whether working in person or from a remote location, your client’s progress toward their personal goals is always available. Review progress. Update goals. Working together to meet fitness goals has never been easier. Our new HealthMetric Portal enables a therapist to manage a greater number of clients more efficiently — sharing data from any location.
Real-Time Updates
While protecting your privacy, HealthMetric can harvest data from a wide variety of health and fitness applications in area-real time. Progress toward goals is updating continually, so you always have an accurate picture of your client’s progress.