April 2019

Short on time and looking for something to keep you satisfied through the day? Thanks to In Search of Yummyness, we have a recipe for you that’s perfect as a meal or snack.  Ingredients: -1 cup almond milk -1/4 cup rolled oats -1/4 tsp vanilla extract -1 tsp maple syrup -1/2 cup blueberries -1 tsp […]

Paired with HealthMetric, the Apple Watch becomes more powerful in improving your health. Fully integrated with Apple Health, the Apple Watch tracks your activity, vitals signs, sleep, and mindfullness–allowing your data to be automatically harvested by HealthMetric. Great for fitness gurus and those who take a more passive approach to their health, the Ap

Who says you always have to do a hard workout? Health.com wrote a great article about the benefits of walking. We love taking a nice walk—to clear our heads and there are more health benefits then you think!   👟 It strengthens your heart. Walking for 30 minutes a day can help improve your blood […]

Do you dread or love pull ups?   Regardless, it’s a great compound move that helps your arms, back, and core.Other benefits include:   Functional strength: Dynamic compound moves can strengthen the relationship between your nervous and muscular systems. Improve your posture. Help relieve back pain. Constant sitting can increase the physiological load on

Cauliflower is such a versatile vegetable, did you know it can be a substitute for mashed potatoes and rice? Want to give it a try? Here’s a recipe for rice cauliflower.   Instructions: Preheat your oven to 425° Cut the whole head of cauliflower in half Cut out the core and break up the larger […]

For all you coffee lovers, we have a delicious protein shake that you can make in your Blender Bottle. It’s a great protein-packed pick me up to take on your day!  Ingredients:   2 cups of ice 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder (chocolate powder for a mocha taste) 1/2 banana 1 cup of brewed coffee […]

High intensity interval training, or HIIT, consists of workouts that have short periods of intense exercise with recovery periods. We found some benefits for HIIT on the HealthLine website. Interested in giving HIIT a go? Just take a look at the benefits! 🔥 Burn calories in a short amount of time 🔥 Your metabolic rate […]

Thanks to a delicious recipe by Kirbie’s Cravings, we can share a healthier grilled cheese alternative- Cauliflower Crusted Grilled Cheese!   Ingredients:   1 medium head of cauliflower (raw), cut into small florets, remove stem 1 large egg 1/2 cup shredded Parmesan cheese 1 tsp Italian herb seasoning 2 thick slices of white cheddar cheese […]